Dedicated to sharing Polish / Canadian cooking and gardening tips, enhancing your healthy home life!

back yard deck chairs eco friendly furniture recycled wood pallets

Eco Friendly Recycled wooden pallet chairs

Eco Friendly Recycled wooden pallet chairs can be created using 1 used pallet and a couple of used 2×4’s. Build a set of 4 and you are all set.

The pallets were free, only 30 x 32 so they are perfect for chairs. We cut two section off end (2 boards) of each pallet to use as back rest and attach to the verticle of the support legs. Check out video below to get the inside design. Chairs and plans will be available soon through our shop at below link. A set of six make a complete deck. Cushions are available at local stores.

Recycled wood pallet deck chairs
Recycled wood pallet deck chairs

Start with finding some used wooden pallets, sketch out a design and gettir done!

Eco friendly recycled wooden pallet chairs and yard furniture

Recycling materials such as pallets that typical go to garbage in some cases recycled by burning for heat, makes use of harvested wood for a few more years. Re-use is always best in the world, and even IKEA is getting into it.

recycled wood pallet deck chair
recycled wood pallet deck chair

KitchenGarden4U – Other features

Consider making your own chairs or order them online soon at shop below.

To enjoy your new deck chairs, cook up some great food with the worlds best kitchen cooking aplliance.

“Hands down, it’s the Thermomix TM6. It’s the best time-saver in the kitchen. Since it pretty much does the cooking for you and helps you plan ahead, I’m able to whip up something fresh and easy for me and my daughter, yet still get through my list of things to do. Life. Changer.”Thermomix® TM6™ as the “gadget that’s changed her life – Mel Alcantara

From meal planning, to cooking, to clean up, the TM6® is the ultimate kitchen assistant that has your back! You can seamlessly create the perfect meal, every time with this all-in-one solidly built machine called Thermomix® TM6® . For more information on Thermomix TM6 check this page or you could consider starting your own ultimate side gig, healthy eating and making money with home based business based around food and eating healthy including an opportunity of getting your TM6 for free(by referring 4 others). Your choice!

We will be reviewing products and be sure I’m to check our our Product Reviews coming in the near future.

Be sure to check out our SHOP for your everyday needs.

What ever combo you choose, Enjoy! and come back to KitchenGarden4u often.

Thanks for visiting.

(Thermomix and TM6 are registerred trademarks of Vorwerk)

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